Émbaran Umum, IWCA 2024

Téma Konferensi: "Tulis Ditingkatkeun Téknologi"
Lokasi: Pinuh online, ngalangkungan aplikasi Whova sareng Zoom
Kaping: 21-27 Oktober 2024
Pupuhu Konférénsi: Tingjia Wang, Universitas Hiroshima

Kaping penting

Proposal deadline: Monday, May 27, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: Friday, June 7, 2024
Early Registration Deadline: Friday, October 11, 2024

Jadwal Konférénsi

Pikeun dibewarakeun.


Bakal datang, dina ahir April 2024

Nelepon pikeun Usul

Emergent technologies (e.g., AI, AR, VR, machine translation) have been transforming the reading and writing experiences of English texts in higher education and heightening the level of engagement with technologies in writing practices. Scholarly attention is urgently needed to describe the profound transformation of academic writing due to advances in emergent technologies and to examine and conceptualize the role of writing centers in the latest trend towards technology-enhanced writing in higher education.

Asosiasi Pusat Tulisan Internasional (IWCA) 2024 Konperénsi ngajak usulan anu bakal nyumbang kana paguneman kolaboratif anu museurkeun kana dampak téknologi munculna dina pusat tulisan sareng pedagogi tulisan, kalebet tapi henteu dugi ka:

  • pertimbangan etika jeung equity panganyarna dina tulisan akademik AI-generate
  • manajemén administrasi puseur nulis
  • sikep institusional sareng kawijakan kana téknologi
  • latihan jeung penilaian nulis panaséhat jeung tutor
  • assessment, manajemén, sarta ngaronjatkeun jasa puseur nulis
  • desain, ngembangkeun sarta palaksanaan kurikulum puseur nulis, bahan, jeung jasa
  • pilihan, aplikasi, jeung evaluasi téknologi dina jasa puseur nulis
  • kasadaran basa kritis jeung metodologi pikeun pamahaman prakték tulisan téhnologi-ditingkatkeun
  • eupan balik pangajaran sareng diajar ngeunaan papacangan sareng téknologi dina tulisan akademik
  • jejer patali séjén nu ogé bisa nyocogkeun kana téma konferensi.

Konperénsi IWCA 2024 ngabagéakeun usulan panalungtikan asli, studi kasus, laporan praktisi, ideu jasa atanapi ngajar, sareng laporan administrasi. Konférénsi bakal dilaksanakeun online via Zoom ngaliwatan aplikasi Whova antara 21 jeung 27 Oktober 2024. Acara konferensi bakal anchored dina dua zona waktu pikeun ngamajukeun partisipasi global sapanjang minggu: Japan Standard Time jeung Eastern Standard Time (AS). Kami tujuanana pikeun ngagampangkeun paguneman anu suksés diantara praktisi pusat tulisan sareng panalungtik tina konteks sosial, budaya, linguistik, sareng institusional anu béda.

Format sési

If you have a project to present, we welcome proposals for a Panel Presentation or Workshop:

Presentasi Panel (20-30 menit per presentasi, kaasup diskusi; 90 menit per panel)

  • Each panel will include 3 to 4 presentations or reports (research, pedagogical or administration-focused) under a shared topic. Proposers can form their own panel and submit the proposal as a team. Alternatively, proposers can submit an individual proposal; the Conference Committee will assemble a panel with similar presentations.

bengkel (90 menit atawa leuwih per workshop)
We welcome proposals for workshops that

  • train audiences to use a new pedagogical approach that you use in your classes or services
  • facilitate collaborative writing on a topic of importance to writing center professionals (e.g., a statement of ethics related to AI-generated writing)
  • engage audiences in other active learning activities.


If you have ideas/thoughts/concerns to share, we welcome proposals for Special Interest Groups or Roundtable Discussions:

Grup Minat Husus (SIG) (90 menit per grup)

  • SIGs are strategic conversations led by colleagues who have similar interests, institutional settings, or identities. You are welcome to take part in existing SIGs or to propose a new SIG and invite other writing center professionals into conversation and potential action on the SIG’s focus area.

Sawala Roundtable (90 menit per diskusi)

  • You are welcome to propose a Roundtable discussion, which includes a 15-minute introductory framing followed by discussion among attendees.


If you have in-progress manuscripts and want to receive feedback/consultation from experienced scholars in the field, we invite you to propose to participate in our Work-in-Progress Session:

Gawé-di-Kamajuan Sidang

  • Pilihan 1: Konsultasi 1-on-1 (30 menit per panulis)
  • Pilihan 2: Konsultasi Grup (90 menit per Sesi; 2-3 panulis sareng 1-2 pimpinan kelompok)


Upami anjeun hoyong ngamajukeun pusat tulisan anjeun, jasa anjeun atanapi acara anu bakal datang, kami ngabagéakeun usulan ka Galeri Branding & Multimodal kami:

Branding & Galeri Multimodal (30 menit per puseur)

  • Each center will have 30 minutes to introduce and promote their services and events. You are invited to provide posters of your center or upcoming events. We will set them up in our Multimodal Gallery for further promotion and networking during the conference.

Conference presenters are welcome to submit the full manuscript for consideration in our Conference Proceedings publication in the form of a Special Issue or an edited book. More information will be announced in the Conference.

Prosés Usulan
Submit a 100-word abstract (to appear in the conference program) and a 300-word description (to help with the review process) of your proposal. Proposers will also be asked to include a brief (100 words or so) rationale for the format they selected (e.g., why this format suits your proposal topic).

Kritéria Review Proposal

Proposal bakal ditinjau dumasar kana opat (4) kritéria:

  1. Grounding dina jaringan pangaweruh anu langkung lega, sapertos beasiswa sateuacana atanapi tradisi ilmiah atanapi komunitas prakték sareng nilai.
  2. Transferability atanapi generalizability ka panongton puseur nulis. Sanaos padamelan henteu kedah cocog pikeun sadaya situs sareng tujuan, proposal kedah nunjukkeun kumaha anggota khusus komunitas urang tiasa dianggo, manjangkeun, ngaréspon, jsb.
  3. Hormat kana karagaman jalma, tempat, sareng ajén dina komunitas urang.
  4. Kajelasan tujuan pikeun presentasi anu diusulkeun (écés naon anu bakal diajar atanapi diciptakeun ku panongton salami presentasi)

Mangga ulah ragu ngahubungan Komite Konférénsi di Tingjia Wang ( twang@hiroshima-u.ac.jp ) (korsi program konferensi) atanapi Chris Ervin (chris.ervin@oregonstate.edu) (IWCA Vice President) should you have any questions about the IWCA 2024 Conference.

Kami ngarepkeun anjeun sareng kami dina Oktober!


Exhibitors kedah ngahubungan chris.ervin@oregonstate.edu pikeun ditambahkeun kana daptar kontak.


Nu bakal datang.


Anggo formulir di handap pikeun ngahubungi korsi konperénsi sareng Wakil Présidén IWCA: